
From Harold  Jarche

Here is a list of posts that contain practical tools, applications and processes for training, organizational development and other professionals.

These tools are focused on workplace performance:

Skills 2.0 on how being a learning professional in a Web 2.0 world is becoming more about your network than your current knowledge. As featured in T&D Magazine.
Knowledge Artisans includes a business model (PDF) for an open source web development company.
Web Tools for Critical Thinking includes a graphic of tools that can be used by individuals, groups or organisations.
Entrants & Incumbents – Using asymmetrical skills to enter new markets by following Christensen’s advice from Seeing What’s Next.
Workplace Performance Analysis Job Aid – Several pages (attached PDF) on how to conduct a performance and cause analysis, including a comprehensive list of performance interventions.
Performance Analysis – another look at conducting a performance analysis and the difference between learning and non-learning interventions.
Informal Learning & Performance Technology – explains how human performance technology can be used to determine if informal learning is suitable for your work environment.
Analysis for Informal Learning – includes a graphic explaining how to proceed with an analysis for informal learning.
Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Overview
Other PKM processes – showing models made by others interested in PKM
Estimating the Performance Situation – explanation and graphic on how to move from workplace performance problems to possible solutions.
Communication Tools from the Army – two tools that I learned in the Army (Orders Format & Battle Procedure), and how they can be used in business.
Blog Comment Tracking – how to manage the comments that you leave on other blogs.
For the Toolbox (DIF Analysis) – how to use DIF analysis (Difficulty, Frequency, Importance) in determining tasks for training.
DIF Analysis – expanded view.
Training: A Solution Looking for a Problem – why training is usually the most expensive and the last option that you want to implement.