Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gen Y and Customer Service:

Gen Y, the Millennials, Young Un's whatever you want to call them are your youngest employees. The oldest ones turned 30 in 2010 (I wish I turned 30 in 2010!). And some of them just might need a little help in the people skills department. Now, let's not stereotype an entire generation, but let's not ignore what obsessive use of technology can do. If you grow up communicating primarily via text and e-mail, how can you master crazy skills like making eye contact? After all, you haven't looked anybody in the eye since that mean man at the hospital spanked you into existence. It doesn't even occur to you that texting at work is inappropriate you've been doing it at the dinner table for years.
Most of the workforce consists of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, and depending on what business you're in, probably most of your customers as well. These people expect their co-workers and the people who serve them to have some people skills. If you are a manager, it is up to you to make sure your youngest employees have these skills.

How to do this? First, don't assume they know what's expected. These are kids who grew up with the "everybody gets a trophy" mentality. Feeling good about yourself was more important than actual performance. And they feel really good about themselves. They have a great deal of confidence (after all, their parents have been telling them for years how special they are). You can't blame them for this they are victims of good intentions. And they are what you have to work with. So you'll have to be very specific in explaining what you want from them and you may have to tell them things you really think they should know (like "Don't text your BFF while you are ringing up customers" or "Look Mrs. Jones in the eye when you hand her the groceries"). They're not bad kids they're just higher maintenance than you're used to. Gen Xers (those 45 to 30) just want you to tell them the outcome you want and then leave them alone. This generation wants a lot more feedback and a lot more recognition (remember they got rewarded for just showing up).
Secondly, get them the training they need. If they are going to have to communicate with us old folks, they are going to need the skills. They need to learn how important body language is and how to read the body language of others, They are going to need training in how to handle conflict this is especially hard for them. These are people who will break up with someone they loved via text message. That's not going to work when dealing with a customer or a co-worker. They need help here. They don't know how to deal with an angry person face-to-face or over the phone. Don't get mad at them just realize their life experience is very different from yours. Help them succeed.
They just don't have the skills you think they should have. You can complain that their parents should have taught them or you can teach them yourself, but you have to get them the skills somehow. They don't know when to pick up the phone instead of sending an e-mail. They don't know that when a customer is upset it's about making the customer happy, not fixing their own hurt feelings. You may have to be the one to teach them that, no, everyone does NOT get a trophy only performers do. And you may have to teach them how to perform. But it's okay they want to learn and are smart. They just might annoy the heck out of you along the way. You're going to have to do a lot of hand holding. (And if you don't want to train them by yourself, call me!)
Thirdly, and this is going to be hard, listen to them. They want to be a part of things, to voice their opinions. They like collaboration and being part of a group. They like working for a cause they see as bigger than themselves so let them know how they are doing that in their job with you.
BTW, your success will depend on Gen Y, so get those trophies ready! LOL
Denise Ryan, MBA, CSP, is a motivational speaker who gives presentations filled with great real world tips and a strong dose of humor. She is a blogger http://motivationbychocolate.blogspot.com and author. Her website is http://www.firestarspeaking.com where you can see more articles and sign up for a free newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5774522

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