Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Government Funding: Eligibility

Are you eligible for government funding?
Post July 1st 2009 the government introduced new support for Securing Jobs for Your Future - Skills Victoria. The government initiatives heavily subsidize qualifications. 
It is the responsibility of an applicant to provide complete and accurate information as required by a training provider for the purpose of determining eligibility.

Do you meet the criteria for eligibility? 
The steps for determining eligibility are:
  • 1. Citizenship/ Residency requirements - To be eligible you must be an Australian citizen or resident.
  • 2. Age - You must be over 18 to be eligible.
  • 3. Prior qualification - If you hold a qualification which is the equivalent or above the course you wish to enrol in, you will not be eligible for funding.

So you think you are eligible, what next?
Contact 0433877755
Funded training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
Nationally Recognised TrainingAustralian Council for Private Education Training

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