Friday, February 25, 2011

Cluetrain Manifesto

if you only have time for one clue this year, this is the one to get... 

Online Markets...
Networked markets are beginning to self-organize faster than the companies that have traditionally served them. Thanks to the web, markets are becoming better informed, smarter, and more demanding of qualities missing from most business organizations.

...People of Earth

The sky is open to the stars. Clouds roll over us night and day. Oceans rise and fall. Whatever you may have heard, this is our world, our place to be. Whatever you've been told, our flags fly free. Our heart goes on forever. People of Earth, remember.

95 Theses

Will’s Learning Landscape Model

Will Thalheimer has developed the Learning Landscape Model and created this 13 minute video to explain it.
Overall I find the model useful, though I would replace “Learning” (at 2:15) with “Instruction”, because that’s really what training departments provide in order to promote on-job-performance.

It is also good to see on-job-learning as part of the model. The various measurement points, beyond Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation, (at 9:50) are really worth noting. There are over a dozen measurements noted that are often ignored in organizations.

LMS is no longer the centre of the universe

LMS is no longer the centre of the universe

OK, so here’s the deal – if learning is work and work is learning, why is organizational learning controlled by a learning management systems (LMS) that isn’t connected to the work being done in the enterprise? Learning is no longer what you do before you go to work, never having to learn anything else in order to do your job. In the 21st century networked economy, learning and working are becoming one.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Free and Open Source Web Conferencing (Online Meetings, Webinars) Tools for e-Learning

The following list contains free and open source Web Conferencing tools and are not in any particular order.

BigBluebutton* is built for Higher Education. It enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-quality learning experience to remote students. BigBlueButton is an active open source project that focuses on usability, modularity, and clean design -- both for the user and the developer. The project is hosted at Google Code. BigBlueButton is built by combining over fourteen open source components

*noteEpignosis has created a module that provides integration of BigBlueButton conferencing in eFront Open Source Learning Management System. BigBlueButton is a free web-conferencing tool with text chat, audio and video capabilites, a virtual whiteboard and many more presentation and conferencing features.

OpenMeetings is a free browser-based software that allows you to set up instantly a conference in the Web. You can use your microphone or webcam, share documents on a white board, share your screen or record meetings. It is available as hosted service or you download and install a package on your server with no limitations in usage or users.

OpenMeetings Key Features Mini Demo

Mikogo is a free desktop sharing tool full of features to assist you in conducting the perfect online meeting or web conference. Take advantage of the opportunity to share any screen content or application over the Internet in true color quality with up to 10 participants simultaneously, while still sitting at your desk.

Yugma free web conferencing allows anyone, anywhere to instantly share their desktop and ideas online with others. To start hosting your own meetings you have to sign up for FREE. Your Yugma Free web conferencing account allows you to invite up to 20 attendees 

Using WebHuddle, you have options and flexibility. Meetings can be conducted either in conjunction with an enterprise’s existing teleconferencing service, or utilizing WebHuddle’s optional voice over IP. WebHuddle also offers recording capabilities -- presentations can easily be recorded for playback over any web browser for those who missed the live meeting. 

With Vyew you can give a presentation to a hundred people online or post a document you've been working on for review by your colleagues at the convenience. Vyew is extremely flexible alloying you to bring online collaboration and conferencing into your workflow on your terms.

Dimdim delivers synchronized live presentations, whiteboards and web pages while sharing your voice and video over the Internet - with no download. With the Free edition you can get 10 person meetings, 1 way video, standard support, Dimdim branded rooms, and public meetings.

*noteEpignosis has created a module that provides integration of Dimdim conferencing in eFront  Open Source Learning Management System.

Adobe® ConnectNow is a great way to share ideas, discuss details, and complete work with others all online. Reduce travel costs, save time, and increase productivity with a web conferencing solution that's easy to access and simple to use. ConnectNow operates inside a web browser. There's no installation required, so getting started is easy and Free



Written by Administrator  
Dec 17, 2010 at 09:26 AM
The NQC met on 9 December 2010 to discuss AQTF Condition 5 and the section dealing with options for the protection of student fees paid in advance and agreed to recommend to the Ministerial Council that implementation of this section of Condition 5 be deferred until 1 July 2011. By this date it is anticipated that the NQC will have clear advice and robust options for the protection of student fees, including the criteria for what constitutes an approved tuition assurance scheme.
Pending Ministerial Council approval of the 1 July 2011 implementation date, Registering Bodies are requested to not undertake audits in relation to the section of Condition 5 dealing with options for the protection of student fees until advice is received from Ministers.
A further update will be provided on the implementation arrangements for AQTF Condition 5 once it becomes available.
In December 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to amendments to the AQTF that strengthen the regulatory requirements underpinning the VET sector. These amendments introduce conditions and standards for initial registration of new providers and strengthen the requirements for ongoing registration, including stronger financial viability and fee protection conditions.
The Ministerial Council for Tertiary Education and Employment (MCTEE) endorsed the Standards and Conditions in June 2010, the majority of which were to be implemented from 1 July 2010. Conditions 5 and 6 were not required to be implemented until 3 January 2011. Recently RTOs received advice in regard to Condition 6 and the need for RTOs to have a student records management system in place that has the capacity to provide Registering Bodies with AVETMISS compliant data by 3 January 2011. Advice regarding Condition 5 was considered by the National Quality Council (NQC) at their meeting on 9 December 2010 

Source: National Quality Council; 'Special bulletin: AQTF CONDITION 5 ?IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR RTOs', accessed 17 December 2010,

E-learning industry under spotlight

e-Learning industry under spotlight

Written by Administrator  
Feb 07, 2011 at 05:29 PM

The development of the e-learning industry will come under the spotlight at the E-Learning Summit, to be held on 21-22 March in Melbourne. 
Supported by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework, the summit will feature ideas, technologies and strategies to support a range of learners in the tertiary sector.
Sessions will cover:
  • Australian university case studies
  • digital marketing campaign analysis
  • latest learning technologies
  • branding in e-learning
  • distance education as a tool for furthering social inclusion
  • effective student support.
There will be two international case studies. Dominic Newbould, from the UK-based Open University, will look at maintaining internationally respected programs in the online space.Carmel McNaught, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will provide an insight into planning e-learning infrastructure.
Professor James Dalziel, of Macquarie University, will provide a keynote presentation on e-learning in Australian tertiary education, including a snapshot of the current market, characteristics and aspirations of online learners and how to provide successful online learning.
There will also be two half day workshops post-summit on 23 March:
Building international e-learning networks – looks at how to identify opportunities in foreign universities, negotiating different approaches to assessment and maintaining brand identity while using third party content.
How to build an effective digital marketing acquisitions strategy – looks at the ‘nuts and bolts’ of an effective digital acquisition marketing strategy, how to develop effective open source branded content and identifying new target markets.
Read the full program or register

Update from the National VET Regulator

Feb 07, 2011 at 06:15 PM
Interim Chair of the National VET Regulator (NVR), Kaye Schofield, has issued an update on the progress of the new regulation agency.
The NVR update says a dedicated Industry Engagement Unit will be established to maintain relationships with industry bodies. It will also work with Industry Skills Councils to identify risks to the quality of VET, and implement measures to increase the confidence of industry in the quality of training and assessment within Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
It is expected that the National Regulatory Model will be finalised by early March, and pending the passing of the legislation in Federal Parliament, the NVR will begin regulating RTOs in New South Wales, the Northern Territory and the ACT in April. It is expected that Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania will follow in late 2011.
To read the full January update click here

Government Funding: Eligibility

Are you eligible for government funding?
Post July 1st 2009 the government introduced new support for Securing Jobs for Your Future - Skills Victoria. The government initiatives heavily subsidize qualifications. 
It is the responsibility of an applicant to provide complete and accurate information as required by a training provider for the purpose of determining eligibility.

Do you meet the criteria for eligibility? 
The steps for determining eligibility are:
  • 1. Citizenship/ Residency requirements - To be eligible you must be an Australian citizen or resident.
  • 2. Age - You must be over 18 to be eligible.
  • 3. Prior qualification - If you hold a qualification which is the equivalent or above the course you wish to enrol in, you will not be eligible for funding.

So you think you are eligible, what next?
Contact 0433877755
Funded training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
Nationally Recognised TrainingAustralian Council for Private Education Training

VET Vendors


VM Learning

Australia’s most innovative and user-friendly, web-based RTO Training Management System. Does your existing software feel ‘clunky’? Then evaluate this highly integrated, award-winning system today.

Aspire Learning Resources

A not-for-profit organisation, specialising in developing print and online competency-based training and assessment resources. Resources are market-leading, quality assured, written by experts and very easy to use.

Australian Flexible Learning Framework

The Australian Flexible Learning Framework is the national training system’s e-learning strategy. For the latest e-learning resources, research, news and support services, visit our website.

RTO Management

RTO Management Magazine is a quarterly publication dedicated to RTOs. A unique publication, the magazine is focused on providing all RTO staff with information on changes to the industry, latest news as well as tips on running an RTO.

Pearson Education Australia

Vocational teachers and students benefit from our text books and electronic learning products that support the delivery of over 13 separate Training Packages. Phone 1800 838 123 or visit our website.

smallPRINT Online

smallPRINT develop and print learning and assessment support resources to assist Registered Training Organisations; resource content is licensed to Catapult eLearning to create eLearning resources for delivering training online.

Wise.Net Information Systems

Wise.NET offers RTOs of all sizes a suite of affordable, secure and fully hosted applications to manage the student lifecycle end to end; from the point of sale through to qualification. Call us today on 1300 365 384 or visit our website to arrange a demonstration.


RTO’s put a lot of work into scheduling, coordinating and reporting on training activities. Why do more work than you need to? Increase your team’s efficiency and productivity by organising all aspects of your training courses in one easy-to-use system.

JobReady Solutions

JobReady offers web based Student Management software for Registered Training Organisations which ensures AVETMISS compliance and improves business efficiency though task automation. JobReady RTO: the smarter software choice.

Accredited Education and Training Pty Ltd

AET provides high quality summative assessment resources? With over 850 assessment resources available, we are sure to have what you are looking for. Phone 03 9435 3666, or view our free catalogue and sample assessment resource online.

IPS Institute

Trainers and assessors, get the latest qualifications! You can study in style aboard a luxurious cruise ship, or land lovers courses are also available. Choose from TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment & 39238QLD Vocational Graduate Certificate in Leading Vocational Education.

Bluegem Software Solutions

Our Web Based product offers trainers and students the opportunity to send, access and monitor learning in an efficient, straight-forward and unproblematic way. The direct gratification that BluegemEXPLORE® presents our clients is marked in personal testimonials, which recognise positive changes in business and operations.

Understanding suspense by looking at films

I think one of the best ways to understand suspense and expectation is with films. When the trailer for a film comes out, we have a peak of suspense because suddenly we are anticipating the experience of the film. This suspense spike lasts for a short while, and then goes dormant – until the film starts playing TV spots and other advertisements. We go to the see the film – and our suspense is the highest right before the film starts. From then on, we are now in the experience that we were anticipating, and based on our expectations, we will leave surprisedsatisfied, orsacrificed.

Suspense Curve with Trailers and Films
This above diagram somewhat sums up what we experience for most films. But there are times when quite drastically, the trailer created more expectation than the film delivered, and we have sacrifice – the classic line being “all the best bits were in the trailer!”
This lesson of “the best bits were in the trailer” is first lesson in expectation management: what is your end?
In order to know what you have to give, you must take stock of what you’ve got. What is the sum total that your customer leaves with? Equally, you need to know what you will receive. You’ll see why in a moment.
Consider the following three scenarios: